Sunday, January 18, 2009


bball again today. stamina just as cui. dribbling and shooting nt much chance, but is cui nevertheless. nt there when i need it. pass can pass abit harder i think. haiz week after week, nt much improvement. but of course just once a week each week makes nt much diff.

anw. after bball rot ard in wil hse watch naruto after that watch zheng ren / beaststalker. hai hao. after that jiu zao liao.

wad else this week. hmm office well nth much, this week seems to pass by faster. nt much gan xiang this week as well, or i think i forgot wad i wanted to say le. hmmm today go wil hse c her facebook, haiz lol. jiu like dat lor. haiz. all my wishful thinking from the start. next time if there is a next time, will hold back le.

haiz. emoing is easy cos can just emo about things and no need to think how to improve / solve. no wonder many ppl like to emo. and drink.

haiz off to dota, cny coming soon, need to c relatives and fu yan them again cum awkard situation plus stone. but this yr tv got alot nice show, guess will be staying at home rot.

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