Monday, May 19, 2008

as usual.

lol now too lazy type title le. trying play with the system c how it appears.
aniway haiz as usual booking in again.
morn wake up 9 plus play play pangseh the rest who dota. keep pansehing them dota sia dun feel like dota leh. but no dota nv play together. next time must alr cannot become loner. then play heroes until afternoon sia yest planned this afternoon b4 lunch 11 plus go run de but play until quite late so heck. afternoon pack pack then cont playing. bro came back then suddenly go out again. mum just go work le. father morn company call him go back work. now im all alone sianz. hate booking in that day to be alone. feels like so crap. haiz from 5-7pm the feeling is worst i realised. sun setting then c ppl goin home ppl eating dinner and all. sat c feels peaceful sun c feels so fucked. wed goin appt so this week is quite short. except the atp part. oh well. next week another long bloody week. dunno when they goin camp sia or is there camping at all this batch. post me out to stay out la pls by then. bringing yi tian tu long kopped from damo since sec 4 sia to read. or else too fug bored. wanted go bishan lib after goin matt hse to borrow bi xue jian de but hmm end up nv go matt hse. this weekend must organise outing alr too long nv go ks side. that is if they wan. shit ler confine this week.

haiz completed alr 5 mth plus of ns. the rest onwards doesnt rly count ba. traded my pride for 8-5. hope rly get it. haiz yest bball sia wil they all dun seem to mind or care i down pesed lol. in fact no one rly cares maybe except those in my course now. or maybe they dun say nia. haiz i considered very fortunate alr sia whole life rather smooth. exam always get gd de. lol or at least very impt ones. family not much prob bu chou chi bu chou chuan though no air con no water heater but still quite comfortable. gt alot of gd frens who dun pangseh me more like i pangseh them cos im too lazy recently. must change. ns posting also gd sea soldier. regimental nia. and lousy schedule and slping hours. but got 8-5 days so considered better then norm 5 day work week lo. then ooc le may become 8-5. now worried 2 things one is whether get 8-5 second is wether after 3mths will i be posted out somewhere cos my pes down pes only temp or so they say for 3 mths. haiz first one more impt ba. lol cui cui cui. fuck it. oh well. k the emo period over le. 630pm. time to bath. makan then book in. zzz.

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