Sunday, April 19, 2009


damn hot week this week.

sat went out with pks they all watch taken, lol rather violent show, but still ok. the way he does things, shld be like that, instead of letting enemies live after they surrender, he just shoots them in the head. kills them all, no mercy.

nth much this week, damn hot sia. maybe the end of the world is seriously coming, so damn hot. lol will it happen at 2012. 3 more years nia.

anw fri went to shoot again, ard 250 shots. cant get the ball to fucking spin backwards, it always spins slightly sidewards, dunno y fucking frustrating. somemore super hot, the air doesnt even move at all, despite being so open court. rain plssss. o great patapon, pls do the rain miracle and save us from the heat...

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