Sunday, April 12, 2009


ho a long weekend yesh. preety peaceful week without needing to go to tuas this week phew. the price to pay for waking up late is to tahan the hot sun, resulting in sweat and the crazy itch, which i gladly prefer to wake up early and go office instead.

anw. thurs. afternoon came back, went to bball on my own. prac some handling. then night went with kr do some shooting about only 150 shots, then match some other ppl at the court. hmm really fumbling sia, i nv been at the recieving end of my own type of pass b4, so really nt used to it. things start to go downhill. keep making wrong decisions, cant really focus well.

fri, slept really late, dunno y quite tired. afternoon shot 75 shots b4 it started to rain zz. nice weather damn it. night went again shot another 200, trying to get the flick right, and eliminating the extra adjusting, getting it off my index and middle finger instead of the last 2, and catching it off the bounce for a shot, without extra adjustment.

sat. afternoon same thing, about 75 before it rained again. night was weird. after the 1st 150 felt that i nearly got the flick right. further away was harder, tends to go haywire. after resting shoot again, all haywire, even up close couldnt get it. totally lost it. then tried to prac some handling, also gg couldnt feel the damn ball at all, haywire. totally demoralise. all that prac still zero improvement.

sun. carry over the demoralise from sat, didnt fell like attacking at all. just defend. bad judgement, slow reflexes, same couldnt shoot right too. well at least defending was alright, didnt think anyone did cut me today, could keep up. though foot work still needs work, legs still abit tangling. hmm feels like the basketball we play now going back to the old ways, more of individual skill alr haha. cos of my bad judgement ba. damn next week i wun eat the medicine again, c if it helps. still have to prac my shooting until i get it right, until it becomes instinctive. rather difficult to break a habit, just like in djmax trying to adapt to another button configuration is really confusing.

anw. after bball went to watch knowing. a rather wtf movie. rather scary, the way it was showed. and the music is really gg. makes it much worse. rather weird ending lol. anyway thx for zhiheng for the shoe, haha thx alot. but still nt much chance to wear it sia haha. quite nice, nice colour design and all.

anw skin has been downhill recently, ears healed now is face and neck. damn y do i keep scratching when im asleep. zzz.

haiz, on the whole, its haizzz.

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