Sunday, December 28, 2008


highlights of this week prob is s18 chalet. but as predicted, it turned out to be nearly exactly the same as last year, less the location. LOTR on xbox, psp, gambling or rather giving money, then zao liao. nv even arcade even though it was so close. made me think whether next year will i go anot, if there is one. i think the most useful thing was gilbert coming and giving us a mini talk about life, career, money. wtf he earns 20k per month! im contended to earn like 6 -7k a month next time, and he expects much more from us. wtf 20k. i cant imagine it. madness. he kept saying engineering not the way to go sia, now im having doubts about what im going to do next time.

on a side note, seems like the s18 ppl seem so unfamiliar to me alr, too long nv contact le. cant tok to them animore, nth to tok about. haiz some from familiar to nv tok anymore. but my fault, maybe i dun show any interest, too stone, and lack of effort.

anw. sunday left early for bball, was late by about an hour. damn cui. one round then start walking le. but felt like i could dribble better. but fuck i cant shoot, cant pass, and still cant dribble. make me so feel like buying a bball and train. ideal position next time i want to play is shoot guard leh, but i cant shoot at all now. and im slow, no stamina. damn.

ok now left with wil's er that thing.

1. The person who tag you is?Wil

2. Your relationship with him/her? brother... maybe master? or maybe ex master?

3. Your 5 impression of him/her? smart, cocky, confident, determined for somethings, 豪爽

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for u? erm, maybe throwing my water bottle in the dustbin, not forgetting my pencil case also ends up in the dustbin too

5. The most memorable thing he/she said to you? this one im damn sure of what to ans. DOG.

6. If he/she becomes ur lover, things he/she has to improve on? i dunno actually haha.

7. If she/he become ur enemy, you will? suck thumb endure while i get played.

9. What is it that you want to tell her now? nth.

Your overall impression of him/her is? a cocky brother?

11. How do u tink ppl ard u will feel ard u? happy maybe. sometimes i can be funny... maybe my face alone is alr funny.

12. The character you love of urself are? think too much, or i wun be so smart

13. On the contrary, the character u hate yourself are? think too much too, some things think too much only make u feel lousy.
14. The most ideal person u want to be is? 好人

15. For ppl who care n like u, say something to them: Woof!

16. Pass this quiz to 10 ppl that u wish to know how they feel about. no point, not much ppl read my blog anyway they wun noe.

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