Friday, February 19, 2010


lol i havnt post anything for months liao. since this blog nt public then might as well dun publish anything not much point haha. Everyday will see frens anyway so nothing much to blog. Since teo say blog then blog lo. Right now only nu shen's image very clear in my mind HAHA. but too bad is shen, put on pedestral pray one, food for the eyes only. Lol need to focus on other more realistic stuff even though quite crazy also. k kia

Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

Sunday, September 13, 2009


havnt blog for a long long long time liao. much has happened for this month plus. setbacks after setbacks. fall down then pick up again, as i watch other ppl like easily achieve things. well dunno. maybe i achieve acadamic results much easier than ppl? play dota better than ppl? haha. much changes, improvements, i dunno, many things la. seems like ppl like dun rly trust me lol, even though i help them, maintain gd relations, but still like treat me like some evil guy sia. always been this case. like in jc. haha maybe nt so exaggerated la. lol ppl skeptical that such a gd guy exists? hahahaha. ma de i dun rly noe wad i typing lol. bball training has come to a halt due to lack of time, or more accurately more lazy, and to give skin more time to rest with other activities. have a clearer picture of wad i want in life, yet it seems like very difficult. argh. on a side note office relations with non nsfs are getting even better, nsfs, well getting along fine, we'll c about that now that sth have changed. going to learn driving, btt tml, hope i dun fail or will be damn lau kui LOL. need to get money for driving lessons as well. yep anw shouldnt be wasting too much time thinking wad to blog lol. have other better things to do sia.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


lol havnt posted for quite some time liao, nowadys dun feel like blogging le, both no time and lazy haha. bball havnt been training nowadays too, bo time also, sat morning also lazy lol. nv train alr sia for like 3 weeks i suppose. lazy la haha and face abit fucked up. nowadays l earning many new things, opening up lo.

but seriously i now fully understand wad it feels like to "fight with a pig". haha. super dulan. yea ppl change just like that. used to think gd person, in a year turn into someone i dunno alr. nvm. burn burn burn.


Sunday, June 28, 2009


ok an update for the last 2 weeks, though i dun remb much. work wise getting more and more negative lol do gd no one remb, do bad jiu gan. then do for wad. haiz.

anw sat i think i shot 100 plus shots, then jiu go out liao. night went amk watch wil teo pool awhile b4 go home slp. sun stayed at home nua i think i forgot le.

k this week. tues night bballed, shot 200 plus shots, played a few matches. cant catch pass properly, cant shoot fast enough, dribble not much chance to dribble so dunno, defence hmm. the guy took a few steps, used some footwork and was pass me alr. first time c stunned. using my hands to defend instead of following him with my legs. instint i guess. gotta improve. other than that ok i can still follow. but somehow ppl keep banging into me sia. hmm maybe is i foul sia in those kind of circumstances. hmmm. dunno y leh i dun intentionally go bang them de leh just happen to be there. shooting nt accurate also. got xiao mei mei there also lol cute.

sat morn played match again. nth much, bo simi nice pass, they all quite tall, so passing to inside quite hard. defence wise guard outside, the fatter guy cant pass me much. i notice they want to use trick fake me nt so easy, but if they sudden burst of speed past me quite easy sia. shooting nt there yet also. i cant seem to shoot in a match, think too stressed alr.

this sun, morn bballed again, shot 100 shots, then kah wee alford come then play match against 3 guys, 2 is big one and one shooter. defence ok, starting they can pass but later getting used to it and can follow. but i also realised i anyhow jump de sia. that guy nv do anything i jump alr. shooting also nt there zzz. then night went out with ade, watch transformers. alot action but plot wise ok only. after that then walk walk ard orchard b4 go home. yea nth much liao lo.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


k workwise. nth to blog about work ba. oh ya my fren just ORDed, so left me, new guy and fucked up guy. haiz sian. well at least getting along with other ppl there so ya. haiz now one less debating partner lol.

anw this week hmm. sat wtf i do ah cant remb. oh yea fri stayed over at wil hse, tok abit cok, then slept le lol while wil and cw carry on dota. better not sleep so late in case my skin flare up again. then woke up alr at 9 plus 10, slack ard, then go out le. then night reach home jiu slp lo lol.

today bball. damnnn. my defensiev prowess hmm seems to be weakening lol, my legs kinda getting slower, and heavier, shooting im too slow to get a shot damn. passing hmm today bo simi teamwork sia bo nice pass. just normal pass nia. speed also slow. anw today nv win one game at all sia lol fucked up. bo lang to pass siaaa, i stare at bok bok stare at me, ownself cut also flop. shoot also nt fast enough. lolll. but kept trying lo. somemore leg cramp fucked up. can only watch them play full court. wasted this opportunity damn. damn i shld go jogging sia, or maybe train jumping abit, and next time stretch b4 hand. not bad sia the thoguht of giving up never occurred lol even though i lost every match. got to keep this up. damn got to train to shoot even further sia, my range is still to close to the defence also. oh ya still nt bending my knees and keeping low, even worse then last week.

after that went out makan, then go out again lo.


Sunday, June 7, 2009


another week gone. workwise nth much, im used to taking arrows alr. tried some things i nv tried before this week, quite interesting. but a bubble kena burst by kr lolll, now abit, no is quite demoralise sia.

anw. weekend ok nth much. today bballed in the morn, pathetic attendence. suppose at 9, teo came at 945, olk came at ard 1015, kr came dunno wad time sia. 1v1 olk for a few balls, hmm my legs nt moving fast enough nt sidestepping fast enough yet, easy to fake too. offensewise cutting still looking at floor, cant look up. sat shot 200shots, prac dribble abit, but too hot didnt finish the driibbling prac and close up shooting. sun shot 100 times b4 teo came. so 900 shots more before extend. still nt much strength sia. shoot 100 times alr shag le. hmm still cant shoot the way i want during acutal situation, when im nt in like practice mode. lol seems like im the only one left blogging about bball lol. at first alot de haha.

anw. damn now gotta save up more sia. spending more and more lol. abit lost now lol transition period in my life sia. haizz. hmm but noticed i've already changed abit sia, improved abit le, but is losing myself lol.